Hello Everybody!
I am currently experimenting with showing off what I am capable of not through traditional means, such as a demo reel, and doing something more interesting like the blog you’re seeing right here. Currently, my goal is to publish updates weekly, showing something off each of those weeks to give people a taste of what I can do, or simply to aid them if they want to code. In this I want to show off a piece of code that I had made for my work on Eye of Zegu that was cut due to the fact that it didn’t work with our game design. However, I believe that it could be quite useful for something like a lock on for an action rpg or movement around a player similar to Tekken. In the following demo, I created a platformer style character’s movement based on moving around a center, while still moving left and right.
A-D/Left-Right: Strafe around
W-S/Up-Down: Move forward and back
While there are bugs that I feel could easily be fixed, I feel like it should still be shown with it’s flaws.
The repository is right here if you're interested.